Sunday, June 26, 2016


So today was pretty relaxed, we went to the not so pink sanded beach and the German cemetery. The ride to beach was so enchanting due to the view from the road riding alongside the mountains. I presume that my new found love for mountains is due to where I grew up.  Also I might like mountain because I'm a rock climber and ya know that kinda goes together. Anyway, I fell asleep at the beach today and my poor legs got burnt. They're pinker than the sand was supposed to be. As a little side rant, referring to the German cemetery, WHHHHYYYYY???!! I know the answer is a lot more complex than this but why do people have to kill each other. Yes, you're going to war and killing other people your government told you to and you're just doing what you were told. I got that, I understand why or rather how people end up in these situations, but speaking towards the government I don't. Why is bloodshed the only way to get what you want, why can't the opposition understand through words. I know before a war it starts out with some kind of negotiations, but if one country says no another "No I'm not cool with you invading my land and taking over, please don't do that", then why the f*** do they do it anyone. Both sides know so many lives and money is going to be lost so why even do it. Why can't states or people be happy with what they have? Having more land does what, make you look stronger and give you more resources. Which is only necessary because people can't be content with what they have and have to ruin other peoples lives to get what they want, this isn't a need. It's only viewed as a need because that is the way people have created it to be, the land you have the stronger and better you are than everyone else. All that is truly being achieved is a better status. Which is bullshit if you think about about, we waste peoples lives, people that are no different than you and I, to look better against its peers (other states). Coexist man, we're all human here and we all want the same thing in the end, peace. So let the peace be and stop creating these conflicts, the pen is mightier than the sword.

~~~~~~~tHe EnD~~~~~~~

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