Monday, June 11, 2018

Feeling at home in Alikianos

All of the stories and explanations in the world could not have prepared me for the true sense of humanity that I have experienced within the first few days of arriving on the Island of Crete. While I know that the world is still turning, it feels as though on this island, time stands still. The hustle and bustle of a city like Boston, is no where to be found. The village of Alikianos, situated south west of Chania, a little ways into the hills, feels like a fairy tail. It may seem small and rather impoverished at first, but that is missing the point. It is not the material possessions of consumerism that dominate peoples lives, but compassion and love, for not just family, but friends and neighbors. In Alikianos, friends and neighbors are family it would seem. I have only been in the village a short while, but it feels as though I am home. In the morning when I go for a walk or jog, every single person I see shows me a smile from ear to ear, and shouts the phrase Kali Mera, meaning, goodmorning! No matter if they are just taking a stroll or busy at work. I regret getting a overseas cellular data plan, as there is never a need to look at a screen. I haven’t had to charge my phone for 3 days (back home its about 3 times a day). As someone who is often anxious from the constant bombardment of artificial stimuli, Alikianos is a relaxing haven. While it is not all sunshine and rainbows, the people don’t sweat the small stuff. The love of everything that is human by the people of Alikianos is truly something I struggle to describe in words, it is one of those things you really have to experience yourself.

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