Wednesday, June 13, 2018

New Adventures

New Adventures

Having moved a lot growing up, I grew accustomed to the idea of everything being temporary. Your house one day would be someone else’s the next day, and vice versa, friends and family would come and go. Halfway through my 8th grade year when we were living in NJ, my mom left us with my dad for the weekend and bought a house in Maine with money she got in the divorce and moved while I was finishing school. In a weird way, this flipped a switch in my brain. My usual self-conscious and anxious self gained a whole new confidence to try things because I knew that even if I messed up, I would be starting my whole life over in a few weeks so it didn’t really matter. 
After I moved, this mentality never really went away, and I am thankful for that. 
The day the boats didn’t come, I was reminded how much I value that side of myself. We had the option of staying in the village for the day and relaxing on the beach like the day before or going on another hike to a new beach. Having chosen the latter turned out to be one of the best decisions I’ve made in a long time, resulting in one of the best days I have had since coming to college. We hike through sand and rough to a nearly deserted beach with one restaurant and a thousand year old church and spent the day eating and swimming in one of the prettiest and secluded places I will ever see or be, and it reminded me how important it is to adapt to new situations and opportunities. 

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