Thursday, June 27, 2019


Throughout the program we have had several lectures on Cavafy and I think they fit the theme of the trip very well. I liked comparing the different poems from Ithaka, what I thought was more of an optimistic poem, to more pessimistic poems like In Sparta and The Naval Battle. I think Cavafy's poems really helped us with our understanding of the Mediterranean’s history because it is important to not only know the events of the past, but to also feel the emotions of those who lived through these events. I thought our lecture in Cyprus was very impactful; reading the poems and then watching them being performed gave each poem an even more intense meaning. The poems helped me improve my understanding on Cavafy's pessimism and the depression that arises from acts of war and killing. I am glad I was introduced to Cavafy and I look forward to reading and interpreting more of his works.

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