Monday, June 24, 2019


I was excited to come to Malta, but I did not know what to expect. I knew it was a small country, but I did not realize to what scale until our plane was landing at the airport; I could see the whole island from shore to shore and it was an incredible sight. Throughout this entire trip we have been reflecting on the communities around us. In Alikianos, we observed how close the community was in such a small town; however, in Malta we saw that communities can be close in even a whole country. In the lecture the professor mentioned how easy it is to talk to people in Malta because it is such a small country. Malta’s size makes it easier for the political voices of its people to be heard. Having a close knit community throughout a whole entire country is unique and it is something I loved about Malta. On top of this, I was also amazed by Malta’s beauty. I was in awe from all the architecture on the island and the whole island seemed like one giant castle to me. Malta is filled with so much history and a complex past that is reflected in the design of the island.

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