Friday, June 23, 2017

One month later...

As the final night comes to an end, I can't stop thinking about how grateful I am for this opportunity to study in Greece for a month. I got to visit two new countries and visit places I never dreamed of ever getting to go. As someone who hopes to work for the UN, it was amazing getting to go to the DMZ with them in Cyprus.

This trip has also solidified my want of majoring in political science. I am looking forward to the next three years of polysci classes and the internships I hope to get. Getting to learn Greek has given me new hope of learning a language. I have not had a language course for five years, so I was very nervous to start learning one again. Even though Greek has been difficult, I am hoping to keep up with it and become better.

Tonight's event has shown how close this community truly is. As cliche as it sounds, they are like one big family. Everyone from the village came up here to celebrate with us, and it was very fun. I got to speak Greek in front of Greeks and I felt very welcome. I wish it was more like this in the US, but then again, that is what makes Greece so special.

I hope I get another opportunity to come back to Greece and Cyprus as well as the neighboring countries in the Middle East. Now that I have a more in-depth basis for what is going on in this region, I want to continue learning and keep up with the events better than I have in the past.

Overall, this trip has been an amazing experience. I got to know everyone on this trip and truly feel like I have made friends I will keep in touch with. I also got to see myself become comfortable around people, which hasn't happened for a while. It will be hard to go back to Colorado and away from friends for another two months, but I am looking forward to reuniting in Boston.

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