Wednesday, June 12, 2019

A Trial of Endurance

So you're 14 kilometers, about 3-4 liters of water, and one swiftly consumed beer into your hike when faced with the option of continuing on around 3 more kilometers, partially uphill to see some hyped up castle that apparently you can't miss. Easier said than done, sure, but all of the guys are going and you're definitely not going to be the only one who doesn't. Besides, it's not like you at all to miss the opportunity to step inside the walls of an actual castle.

I may have gotten a bit in over my head. Five minutes in, I'm on my knees and trying to find a place to sit my extremely out of shape body down to take a breather. The rest of the group pushes on, and I start considering turning back. But that castle. I decide to take a few more steps and then make my decision. After that, a few more. Eventually, I caught up with a group member who was also struggling, and we make the decision to push on together. Just a bit more to the next spot of shade, and then we can rest. Oops, no more water. Guess you should have packed more. Just grab a walking stick to help you out, what can go wrong? You fall and cut up your knees. There's water at the top, and how many people would kill for the opportunity just to make this walk and see these views?

Those are the thoughts that keep you moving. That, and your friend next to you - both of you relying on one another to push forward. Make shortcuts where you can. Take a breath when you need to. One more step.

One more step.

When you reach the top, the view is killer (and so are your knees). The castle is... somewhat of a let down, but you realize it was the hike up the mountain that you'll remember. And you made it.

And now it's time to head back down.

One more step.

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