It’s hard to put words into the experience I have been through in only a few short days of being here. It hasn’t even been a week yet feels like I’ve been here for months. It has taken a lot of patience to adjust to the ways of living here but once learned it is like I’ve known it my whole life. One thing I can’t get over here is the nature. Waking up every morning and looking outside my window I am surrounded by green and mountains. The fruit trees all around me that I can simply pick an orange or berry off of whenever I want to is truly amazing. I have developed such an appreciation for silence and the beauty of a little peace and quiet living up on this hill. Not being woke up by sirens (like living in Boston) throughout the night and being able to get a full night of sleep is a change I can get used to. The soft yellow walls accented with the baby blue window frames have become a part of my world that I don’t think I’ll ever get out of my mind.

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