Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Firsts (Post 5)

There have been a lot of firsts on this trip, first Gorge hike, first political science class, and my first time being in a different country with, what last week were, complete strangers. Whether its sitting around the kitchen table where we eat all of our meals or spending 8:30am- 2:00pm in the classroom together, we seem to be with one another at all times. At moments, this can be difficult, as I am someone who enjoys their own space and being able to escape when I need to, which is not really possible here. As I said before there have been a lot of firsts for me on this trip, and as hard as it is to be in a place that I am very unfamiliar with and surrounded by people I just met, I feel like I am around people I’ve known my whole life. My little room with three beds filled with two other girls, where all of us come from different backgrounds and even countries that have become family to me. For the first time, I have been able to find a little family in an unfamiliar place. 

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