Tuesday, June 4, 2019


We have been in Alikianos for almost a week now and the beauty of it never ends. There are so many things I could discuss but I think one of the most amazing experiences has been visiting the different beaches throughout the week. So far I have seen four different beaches and each one has been beautiful in it’s own way. Each beach has a different scenery and a different crowd. On Sunday we went to a beach bar where it was more of a younger crowd and had music and a pool beyond the beach. The people there were very nice and most of them spoke very well English compared to the people on the other beaches. Yet they do have differences, there also are similarities. I found it very interesting how each beach had alongside it a cafe in which people can eat and sip drinks. Not only are the people who work at the beaches overly friendly, but whenever food is given they give a side of wine on the side and some bread. Overall, I have fallen in love with Crete and the amazing views it has to offer along with the multiple beaches surrounding the area. I can’t wait to explore more!

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