Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Made With Love

On Sunday night, Tasoula invited us to her house for dinner. This was an incredibly kind gesture and we were all very thankful. She, along with some of the other ladies, cooked a delicious meal for all of us as well as many others who came to the dinner also. I sat outside with the ladies for a bit to ask them if they were going to eat too; their answer didn't surprise me, but it might have shocked anyone not familiar with the Greek culture. They said that they didn't want to eat because they had been cooking all day. I had a conversation with Tasoula again yesterday about all the work that she does. She mentioned how she does everything with her heart, and because she wants to. She said she would never cook or clean if she didn't want to; this meant a lot to me because it showed that she truly works with the best intentions. It amazes me how much work all these women do and how they do it with so much love.

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